Taking your business beyond locks and keys with cutting edge access control technology


MSME Security specialises in providing modern access control solutions to protect your property, assets and personnel. As provider of commercial security systems in Derby, we are experts in designing, installing and maintaining robust access control systems tailored for your specific needs.

We understand that every client has unique requirements, and so throughout the process we will work closely with you to design a system that perfectly fits your needs, whether that happens to be a handful of simple authorised access-only doors for a small office or a multi-tiered authorisation system for a large enterprise.

Whatever your exact needs, MSME's dedication to staying updated with the latest advancements in access control technology means that you will have access to cutting-edge features such as biometric scanners, proximity cards, keypads and more, as well as full integration with CCTV systems.



Take charge of your entry points

Call MSME at 01332 492002 to arrange a quotation for a comprehensive custom security system in Derby or the wider Midlands for your business.

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Examples of our access control and door entry systems in Derby and the Midlands

Securing entry 

Switching from mechanical means of entry like keys to modern alternatives like key fobs or cards is a simple yet effective way of restricting building access to authorised personnel and visitors.

Restricting access within facilities 

The inclusion of different authorisation levels can restrict access to sensitive or high-risk areas to individuals with the necessary access levels, reducing the risk of accidents and trespassing.

Time and attendance tracking 

Many access control systems include or can make use of time tracking and reporting software, thereby automating attendance tracking and optimising operational efficiency within industrial settings.

Contamination Management

The use of multiple security doors with different access requirements can be used to seamlessly prevent contamination within the pharmaceutical industry, where different laboratories or workshops may otherwise be in close proximity.

Hand using card on access control lock





Stop unauthorised persons in their tracks. Arrange a free site inspection, engineer consultation and quotation by calling us at 01332 492002 or fill out our contact form.




Frequently Asked Questions about door entry systems in Derby and the Midlands

What is the definition of access control?

Access control refers to the measures and systems put in place to regulate and mange entry to a specific areas or resources within a facility, using electronic security measures.

What types of businesses benefit from an access control system?

Various types of businesses can benefit from implementing an access control system, including:

  • Retail businesses to control access to secure stockrooms, back offices and other restricted areas
  • Healthcare facilities to protect patient privacy, medication storage areas and control access to sensitive areas such as operating rooms or laboratories
  • Educational institutions such as schools, colleges and universities to regulate access to classrooms, administrative offices and accommodation.
  • Manufacturing facilities to control access to production areas, warehouses or equipment rooms
  • Data centres to safeguard network infrastructure, severs and sensitive data.

What is the typical lifespan of an industrial access control system?

This hinges upon usage and maintenance, but a well-maintained system will last between 10 and 15 years. We will always make recommendations following the installation of one of our door entry systems in Derby and the Midlands.


Tapping card on access control door


Access control system in office building


Unlocking access control system on door


What are the benefits of installing an access control system for my business?

Installing an access control system for your business provides several benefits, including:

  • Flexible access control, setting specific access times for employees or visitors
  • Eliminating the need for traditional keys in lieu of more secure key fobs, biometric credentials or access cards
  • Enhancing overall security by regulating control to valuable assets or sensitive areas
  • Providing your business with details logs and reports on access events, tracking who enters specific areas and when
  • The potential to integrate with other security systems such as video surveillance, visitor management systems and alarm systems

What features should I look for in an access control system?

There are a multitude of considerations when looking at an access control system, including:

  • Authentication methods such as keycards, fobs and biometrics.
  • Integration with other security systems such as alarm systems, visitor management systems and video surveillance
  • Detail logs and reporting functionality
  • Remote management capabilities
  • Ease of use and user interface

What is the typical maintenance schedule for an access control system?

We advise that you schedule routine maintenance at least once a year. Your maintenance specialist with check biometric and keycard readers, update software as required and review access permissions.

Following the installation of one of our complete security systems in Derby and the Midlands, your engineer will recommend a schedule for each component.

Can my access control system be upgraded if required?

Yes – Access control systems can not only be upgraded to reflect emerging technologies, but scaled to adapt to changing requirements or developments in the business of facility.